McDonalds serves up a very low pension opt out rate

McDonalds LogoMcDonald’s says only 2.4% of its hourly-paid and 2.7% of its salaried employees that were auto-enrolled on 1 January 2013 opted out of pensions.

McDonalds has 91,000 employees in the UK. Of those 35,000 are hourly paid.

"There were already 2,000 of it’s salaried employees that were members of their stakeholder defined contribution (DC) pension scheme.

An additional 1,100 salaried staff were auto-enrolled into this scheme.

A total of 9,500 hourly-paid employees were auto-enrolled into the National Employment Savings Trust (Nest) in January.


The demographics of the McDonalds workforce would lead you to suspect that opt-outs would be high. The low rates they have achieved will be welcome news for the government but bad news for employers looking to estimate how many of his own employees will opt-out.

Steve Clark

Photo Courtesy of Flickr – Leonid Mamchenkov

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