Archive for the ‘Twitter’ Category

Social Networking–Time to get formal?


The explosion of social networking has been phenomenal in the last few years. It undoubtedly has had a positive impact – even my mum and dad (who are in their 80’s) use it to keep track of the family!

However, from an employer’s point of view it’s not without it’s problems and issues that, if not carefully controlled, can come back to bite them in a Tribunal or legal case.

To that end those all round nice people at ACAS have commissioned some research by the Institute for Employment Studies. The report advises employers to:

  • draw up a policy on social networking
  • treat ‘electronic behaviour’ in the same way you would treat ‘non-electronic behaviour’
  • react reasonably to issues around social networking by asking ‘what is the likely impact on the organisation?

You can click through to the full article on the ACAS website here.

One thing is clear, Social Networking is here to stay and the potential issues are only going to multiply. Many SME employers would do well to have a look at the ACAS guidance and decide whether to introduce a formal policy to cover Social Networking.

Steve Clark

Keeping you in the loop in so many ways!

When we started this blog we wanted to make sure that our clients and contacts were able to get access to information on things that affect them – quickly and concisely.

Having worked at a number of big benefit consultancies over the years we realised that mostly they were pretty poor at keeping their clients briefed on issues that they need to be aware of. Newsletters were normally issued weeks or even months after the event – sometimes even after the time to act had passed! We decided that 44 Financial was going to be different.

We want our clients to be able to be up to speed in an electronic age when things come fast and furious. That’s why we use mediums like LinkedIn and Twitter to help you follow the information from us that we think you need to know.

One worry that we had about our blog was – would there be enough “stuff” to sustain a regular flow. Well we needn’t have worried. The benefit landscape is changing fast and furious and there is more than enough to keep us occupied.

We’ll try to keep it relevant and fresh and warn you if something may not apply to everyone – e.g. something that relates only to final salary schemes. We won’t spam you and we hope that you will feel that we do a great job and recommend us to your contacts,

If you want to keep up to speed there are a few ways you can follow what we are saying.


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Steve Clark’s profile on LinkedIn is here. If you are on LinkedIn and are not already a contact of Steve feel free to send him an invite.