My Pension Roadmap

Sat-Nav for your Retirement

As you travel on your journey towards retirement we recognise that you may need help, guidance and advice to keep you on the right track.

Until now that type of advice has been hard to come by – especially if you change jobs and are in different pension plans. The upshot is that many people journey through life collecting pensions like a Boy Scout collects badges! None of it makes any sense but the endless paperwork arrives each year.

My Pension Roadmap is different.

We want to start off by understanding where you want to be and what you want to be doing when you stop working. We’ll ask you to explore how much you need to live on to do the things you want to. This sets the destination for your own personal Roadmap.

Next we really want to get under the bonnet and find out what makes you tick – in a financial sense. How do you feel about investing money? How much risk are you comfortable with? How much can you afford to lose? We use the latest software to agree with you your attitude to risk. This helps us understand at what pace you’d like to proceed with your Roadmap.

We’ll look at anything that you already have in place and see if it needs to be fine tuned. We’ll talk to you about consolidating your existing pensions into one vehicle – if that makes sense for you!

We’ll let you know whether you’re doing enough to get to your final destination. We’ll make recommendations for you about anything that needs to change. There are bound to be twists, turns and the odd dead end along the way.

As we go along we’ll review your Roadmap each year to see if you are still heading in the right direction. These reviews will get more frequent as you get closer to your destination.

In the last part of your pension journey we’ll be in touch with you more often and looking at those last few, yet really crucial, decisions that you need to make before you reach your final destination.

We want My Pension Roadmap to be simple. Life is already too complicated. We want to explain things to you in plain English. We’ll try to summarise all the important technical stuff for you.

But most of all we’ll keep your interests at the heart of everything we do. That’s down to our Win² philosophy.