£33bn Improvement in pension deficits in FTSE 350 companies – Hymans Robertson

Hymans Robertson have just issued their latest FTSE 350 Pensions Indicator Report. You can read it in all its glory here.
It makes some good reading if you are an employer with a final salary scheme that has grappled with the monkey of pension funding on your back for the last few years. The switch of the revaluation and increase basis from RPI to CPI has had a positive impact as has the recovery in asset values.
According to Hymans Robertson they are anticipating that with the pressure off funding issues employers will look at tackling the wider issue of the risk that this type of pension poses.
At 44 Financial we are working with a number of employers who are concerned about pension risk and are looking at ways to control it. If you would like to have a chat about the options please click here to email us.

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